[Fixed]-Cache a django view that has URL parameters


Right, vary headers is not the correct solution, it’s used when you want to cache based on client request headers like user-agent etc.

You’ll need to use low-level API or template fragment caching. It depends on your views really.

With low-level API it looks something like this:

from django.core.cache import cache

def get_user(request):
    user_id = request.GET.get("user_id")
    user = cache.get("user_id_%s"%user_id)
    if user is None:
        user = User.objects.get(pk=user_id)
        cache.set("user_id_%s"%user_id, user, 10*60) # 10 minutes


Yes, you can use django-view-cache-utils, here is code for your case:

from view_cache_utils import cache_page_with_prefix
from django.utils.hashcompat import md5_constructor
@cache_page_with_prefix(60*15, lambda request: md5_constructor(request.get_full_path()).hexdigest())
def my_view(request):


From my reading of the source code and empirical testing, the @cache_page decorator natively handles GET parameters correctly (at least in Django 2.2).

Digging through the source:

  1. The decorator is defined in django.views.decorators.cache
  2. It calls django.utils.decorators.decorator_from_middleware_with_args()
  3. Which calls django.utils.decorators.make_middleware_decorator()
  4. Which is a silly level of complex. A veritable onion of functions returning functions. The important bit is it calls middleware.process_request() where ‘middleware’ is django.middleware.cache.CacheMiddleware.
  5. Which calls django.utils.cache.get_cache_key() to generate the cache key.
  6. Which calls django.utils.cache._generate_cache_header_key().
  7. Which calls request.build_absolute_uri() where ‘request’ is django.http.request.HttpRequest
  8. Which calls django.http.request.HttpRequest.get_full_path()
  9. Which calls django.http.request.HttpRequest._get_full_path()
  10. Which, finally, includes self.META.get('QUERY_STRING', '') in the string it returns.

On the flip side, when the response is complete a similar path goes through middleware.process_response() which eventually calls django.utils.cache._generate_cache_header_key() to determine where to store the response in the cache.

Empirically, I can see that requests to the decorated view are being cached and the response changes when the GET parameters change.



It appears that you no longer need to do anything more complicated than placing @cache_page([length of time]) above your View function you are trying to cache, irrespective of whether you have parameters in the URL.

For example, if you have a url like:


Your view function in views.py would look something like this:

from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page

@cache_page(60 * 10)
def get_user_detail(request, user_id=None):
    return render(...)


a bit late, but you can use django-view-cache-utils for that.

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