You can override the viewsets get_permissions()
method and define a permission for each of the viewset actions
For example, I did a quick test with the following:
class MyModelViewset(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
serializer_class = MyModelSerializer
model = MyModel
def get_permissions(self):
if self.action == "create":
self.permission_classes = [IsNotSuperUser]
elif self.action == "update":
self.permission_classes = [IsTeacher]
elif self.action == "partial_update":
self.permission_classes = [IsNotSuperUser]
elif self.action == "list":
self.permission_classes = [IsSuperUser, IsAuthenticated]
elif self.action == "retrieve":
self.permission_classes = [IsSuperUser, IsAuthenticated]
return super(self.__class__, self).get_permissions()
With this you can control permissions for each of the HTTP verbs.