[Vuejs]-Conditional CSS on Vue JS based on Date


I recommend computing a new array that has the formatted date and day-based class names. The computed prop caches the results, which improves the rendering performance if the component needs to be re-rendered.

  1. Create a component method (named "classForDay") that returns a class name based on the day of week:

    const dayClasses = [
      'inactive', // 0 = Sunday
      'active',   // 1 = Monday
      'inactive', // 2 = Tuesday
      'inactive', // 3 = Wednesday
      'active',   // 4 = Thursday
      'inactive', // 5 = Friday
      'inactive', // 6 = Saturday
    export default {
      methods: {
        classForDay(date) {
          return dayClasses[new Date(date).getDay()]
  2. Create a computed property that returns a new inventory array, including the formatted date (from this.formatDate()) and the day-based class name (from this.classForDay()):

    export default {
      computed: {
        computedInventory() {
          return this.inventory.map(inv => ({
            FormattedDate: this.formatDate(inv.DeliveryDate),
            DayClass: this.classForDay(inv.DeliveryDate),
  3. Use the computed property in the template, binding DayClass and FormattedDate:

      <div class="row">
        <div v-for="(e, i) in computedInventory" >
          <div class="col s2 m3" v-if="e.Hidden == false" >
            <div class="card blue-grey darken-1" :class="e.DayClass" >
              Current date   {{ e.FormattedDate }}h


Without having to change much of your code and if you’re not going to use this logic on another page, you can add a new array as a variable for the day classes and a new method to fetch the data, like tony19 suggested.

    const dateOptions = {
      weekday: "long",
      hour: 'numeric',
      year: "numeric",
      month: "numeric",
      day: "numeric",
      minute: 'numeric' ,
      hourCycle : "h24"

    const dayClasses = [

    export default {
      data() {
        return {
          inventory: []
      mounted() {
        setInterval(this.load, 10000);
      methods: {
        load() {
            .then((res) => res.json())
            .then((data) => (this.inventory = data))
            .catch((err) => console.log(err.message));
        formatDate(inStr) {
          const d = new Date(inStr);
          return d.toLocaleDateString("de-DE", dateOptions);
        getDayClass(date) {
          return dayClasses[new Date(date).getDay()]

And call the method in your template

      <div class="row">
        <div v-for="(e, i) in inventory"
          :key="e.PreorderID + e.ArticleNumber"
          <div class="col s2 m3" v-if="e.Hidden == false">
            <!--  The following DIV should be getting a specific CSS class based on the day of the week -->
            <div class="card blue-grey darken-1" :class="getDayClass(e.DeliveryDate)" >
              Vurrent date   {{ formatDate(e.DeliveryDate) }}h

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