It looks like your entries directory is in the wrong place. You should move it up one level, so it’s app/entries
instead of app/app/entries
(You are correct that ‘entries.apps.EntriesConfig’ is a valid way to add to INSTALLED_APPS.)
you should add the app in INSTALLED_APPS like so: 'app.entries'
'rest_framework', ]
if you started a project using django-admin startproject <project's name>
on terminal, then try not to change PROJECT_DIR and BASE_DIR. They should be same.
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In your case the INSTALLED_APPS should be
Also in entries/apps.py file in fEntriesConfig() set
name = ‘app.entries’
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In my case it was the simplest mistake, which is often the hardest to see:
I missed the comma separation between the new app I wanted to add in the INSTALLED_APPS.
Dont be me, double check your spelling.
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I had a similar error and I resolved that by moving the Django app folder into the Django project directory before I was able to run python manage.py runserver
with no errors.
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its seems to be error which i faced during this django jounrney
you have to do here manage.py and firstproject whatever the name at the same direcotry then add new “fist_App” in the setting.py at installed_App list then
check the python manage.py fristapp
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