The problem I had is that I was looking at the created () function as the function that was creating the google map points, which was incorrect. Ive seen that there is a v-for loop referencing markers which can be changed for a computed property that updates the computed function runs.
In the code below I exchanged ‘Markers’ to ‘updatedMarkers’ from the computed property.
computed: {
updateMarkers () {
return this.markers.slice()
.filter((marker) => {
return (
marker.infoText.id >= this.priceabove
v-for="(m, index) in updateMarkers"
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I might be misunderstanding the question here, but you could write a watch which runs whenever your computed property changes. Something like this:
computed () {
filteredList() {
return this.lists.filter((item) => {
return (
item.address.toLowerCase().includes(this.search.toLowerCase()) &&
(this.selectBedrooms.length === 0 ||
watch() {
filteredList(list) {
list.map(element => {
position: {
lat: Number(element.lat),
lng: Number(element.lng)
infoText: {
/* name: element.name, */
address: element.postcode,
Another option would be to create a second computed property which contains the mapping functionality.
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