[Vuejs]-How can i turn this code into a helper function?


You should simply have usertypeToName as array and then use find

import { USER_TYPES } from '../../constants/user';

const usertypeToName = ['client', 'supportWorker','accountManager']
// find key
const key = usertypeToName.find(v=> v === this.$route.params.userType)
// use dynamic property accessor
return key ? USER_TYPES[key] : 0


Is this what you are looking for?

## util.js

import { USER_TYPES } from '../../constants/user';

const userTypeMap = {
  client: USER_TYPES.client,
  supportWorker: USER_TYPES.supportWorker,
  accountManager: USER_TYPES.accountManager,

export function mapUserType(name) {
  // Fallback to 0 incase mapping does not exist
  return userTypeMap[name] || 0

## component.js

import { mapUserType } from './util.js'

const userType = mapUserType(this.$route.params.userType)

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