// Just pass string to new Date method
const customDate = new Date("2022-02-22T06:02:53.585764600Z");
// Test
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I already found the answer for my problem,
Just use this to cast the string inside the brackets
A possible solution is that you can pass the string date from the backend into a Date object. And only then you will be able to use Date methods.
or in your case
Please refer to the attached code as a reference.
//Value from DB
const strDate = "2022-02-22T06:02:53.585764600Z";
//Parse the date
const parsedDate = new Date(strDate);
document.querySelector("#display-date").textContent = parsedDate.getHours();
<h1 id="display-date"></h1>
MDN Date docs: Date
W3schools Date Objects
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