Included is an example that operates on an array of objects, returning a new array of objects. An object is overloaded in JavaScript, but in this case it is synonymous in other languages to a hash, object, or dictionary (depending on application).
let items = [{
name: 'foo',
path: 'foopath',
label: 'foolabel',
link: 'foolink'
}, {
name: 'bar',
path: 'barpath',
label: 'barlabel',
link: 'barlink'
let new_items = items.map(i => ({
name: i.name,
path: i.path,
meta: {
label: i.label,
link: i.link
That said, a new array is not necessary since it’s possible to edit the object directly:
let items = [{
name: 'foo',
path: 'foopath',
label: 'foolabel',
link: 'foolink'
}, {
name: 'bar',
path: 'barpath',
label: 'barlabel',
link: 'barlink'
items.forEach(i => {
i.meta = {label:i.label, link:i.link};
delete i.label;
delete i.link;
I would use the list.map function
items.map(i => {
return {
name: i.name,
path: i.path,
meta: {
label: i.label,
link: i.link
This will return a new list of items as specified
NOTE: this can be simplified further with an implicit return
items.map(i => ({
name: i.name,
path: i.path,
meta: {
label: i.label,
link: i.link