[Answer]-How to trigger a python script on the django server for the particular form input?


You could use subprocess module to run command and take the output.

Update 1

Example view:

import subprocess

def runCmd(request):

    cmd = request.POST.get('cmd')
    param = request.POST.get('param')

    codeDir = '/path/to/py/file/'
    absoluteCodePath = codeDir + cmd + '.py'

    result = subprocess.check_output([absoluteCodePath, param])

    return result


Why would you want to do that? Just import your file/module and use it, this is the correct way.

Lets say you have this code in fib.py:

def calculate(.....):
    #code. ...
    return result

Now in you other file, lets say it’s views.py just do:

import fib

# this is the search view
def search(request):

    if request.method == "POST":
       # other code
       fib.calculate(param) # where param is the value of the search field

I’m not sure if I understood you correctly.. but no there’s no reason to use subprocess and execute a file and get the value returned…

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