[Answered ]-How to update my Django database with rss feed every X minutes?



A simple approach is to use APScheduler library. Once installed, you need to call the scheduler from the appโ€™s config file (apps.py) to start when manage.py runserver command is run. Once the APScheduler process has started this way, it will run every interval that you have defined. Here is a working example assuming you have an app called Home.

Directory structure:

| - ProjectName
| - Home
| - - __init__.py
| - - admin.py
| - - apps.py
| - - models.py
| - - test.py
| - - views.py
| - - jobs.py
| - - BackgroundClass.py

In your BackgroundClass.py, you will define a function that is going to be doing the processing part where you get the RSS feed and update the DB using the results.


class BackgroundClass:

    def update_db():
        # Do your update db from RSS task here

Now in your jobs.py, you will define a function/class that will create an instance of BackgroundScheduler from APScheduler, that keeps running in the background indefinitely every X intervals that you define. Using this, you will call your update_db function from the BackgroundClass.


from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
from .BackgroundClass import BackgroundClass

def start():
    scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
    scheduler.add_job(BackgroundClass.update_db, 'interval', minutes=1)

Now in the apps.py, you are going to call that function/class defined in jobs.py to run when manage.py runserver command is called, so your background task starts with the server, and keeps running as long as the server is running; executing every X intervals.


from django.apps import AppConfig

class HomeConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'Home'

    def ready(self):
        import os
        from . import jobs

        # RUN_MAIN check to avoid running the code twice since manage.py runserver runs 'ready' twice on startup
        if os.environ.get('RUN_MAIN', None) != 'true':
๐Ÿ‘คNaeem Khan

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