Using Array#reduce to accumulate an object with the desired data. Foreach object from your array look if the accumultaed object has an entry for the lib-key (i.e. it’s not undefined). If not create it with the property event and obs (with an empty array as start). In both cases add to this array your obs-value.
To get the desired array out of this use Object#values to get rid of the outer grouping-event.
Note: I generalized your problem a little bit, so that you can have different events that will be grouped.
let arr = [
event: "LIB",
block_calendar: "YES",
obs: "Lorem Ipsum",
status: "Block",
event: "LIB",
block_calendar: "YES",
obs: "Ipsum Lorem",
status: "Block"
let result = Object.values(arr.reduce((acc, cur) => {
if (!acc[cur.event])
acc[cur.event] = {event: cur.event, obs: []};
return acc;
}, {}));