[Django]-Stripe 'card-element' isn't visible (Python/Django)


I figured it out. Leaving it here for other dummies like me.

Do not add the .js file to the top of the page. Add it to the bottom, after the /body tag. Turns out values will be NULL if the javascript loads before the page.


The Python code looks correct, at least it looks like mine does in my working integration using Django. So here’s a couple of things to try:

  1. You don’t need the clientSecret until you use stripe.confirmCardPayment() so don’t fetch it yet.
  2. Try putting the data-secret="{{client_secret}}" on the <form> element. You’ll need to add an events listener to the <form>‘s "submit" event anyway to prevent the default submission and trigger the confirmation so might as well retrieve the client_secret then.

I know this doesn’t answer why the button was no selectable but at least it gives you some next steps.


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