[Vuejs]-Take the average of an array items


avgArray: function(){
    const sum = arr => arr.reduce((a,c) => (a += c),0); // add equals and init with 0
    const avg = arr => sum(arr) / arr.length;
    this.myArray = this.estates.map(a =>  a.m2_price)

You were setting this.myArray as a value and not an array. You could’ve either pushed the m2_price or map it like above

Reduce function only exists on arrays. Clearly you were logging this.myArray and getting integers. Hence the error.


That is what reduce is for

const average = array => (array && array.length) ? (array.reduce((sum, item) => sum + item, 0) / array.length) : undefined;


export the average function from a file called average.js

Applied to your situation

import { average } from 'pathToYourIncludeLibrary/average';

data() {
    return {
methods: {
    avgArray: () => average(this.myArray)

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