The problem is with the new version of pymongo (4.0 from 29.11.2021) which is not supported by Djongo 1.3.6. You need to install pymongo 3.12.1. I had the same problem 2 hours ago.
The actual problem is with pymongo==4.0.1.
when installing the mongoengine by pip install mongoengine
it installs the pymongo==3.12.3
So, it is not necessary to again install mongoengine just install pymongo==3.12.3 by
pip install pymongo==3.12.3
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Install pymongo version
pip install pymongo==3.12.3
or change python version below 3.7
Due to version change error occurred
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I changed my python version on python==3.6.9 and now it is working and migrate successfully.
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The incompatibility issue started with pymongo 4.0
, by installing the previous version=3.13.0
will "solve" this issue.
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Try to install django-mongoengine and it will solve the problem for sure.
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