[Fixed]-Why is my form.is_valid() always returning false?


A wild guess: you forgot the csrf token.

Simply print the actual data sent to the form and the errors to see what’s happening !

def authorSearch(request):
    if request.method=='POST':
        form = AuthorForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
              #some processing here
             return render(request,'authorSearch.html',{})
             # you want to check what's happening here
             # something like this (from memory, might be wrong):
             print request.POST
             print form.errors
             print form.non_field_errors

             return HttpResponse('No such Author Found!')
        form = AuthorForm()
        return render(request,'authorSearch.html',{'form':form})

Also, I’d personally recommend you to:

  • use Charles or something similar to check the HTTP requests and responses
  • write tests 🙂

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