[Solved]-Django Ajax Upload Outside of a Form


Well I found two solutions if anyone is interested.

The first is a pure-Python way of doing it that is moderately successful.

with BufferedReader( BytesIO( request.raw_post_data ) ) as stream:
  with BufferedWriter( FileIO( "/tmp/foo.bar", "wb" ) ) as destination:
    foo = stream.read( 1024 )
    while foo:
      destination.write( foo )
      foo = stream.read( 1024 )

It worked on testing for small files (up to 20MB) but failed when I tried it with ISOs (~600MB) or larger files. I didn’t try anything between the 20MB and 600MB so not sure where the break point is. I’ve copied the bottom of the trace below, I’m not sure what the root problem is in this situation. There seemed to be a struggle with memory, but I had enough RAM+swap to hold the file three times over so not sure why there was an issue. Not sure if using other forms of Python read/write or not using buffers would help here.

[error] [client]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6 /dist-packages/django/core/handlers/wsgi.py", line 69, in safe_copyfileobj, referer: http://localhost/project/
[error] [client]     buf = fsrc.read(min(length, size)), referer: http://localhost/project/
[error] [client] TemplateSyntaxError: Caught IOError while rendering: request data read error, referer: http://localhost/project/

The solution that has worked with everything I’ve thrown at it, up to 2GB files at least, required Django 1.3. They have added file-like support for reading directly from HttpRequest so I took advantage of that.

with BufferedWriter( FileIO( "/tmp/foo.bar", "wb" ) ) as destination:
  foo = request.read( 1024 )
  while foo:
    destination.write( foo )
    foo = request.read( 1024 ) 

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