[Fixed]-Django-allauth: how to properly use email_confirmed signal to set user to active


Turns out the email_address returned by the email_confirmed signal isn’t actually a string containing the address, but an object — allauth.account.models.EmailAddress. This wasn’t very clear at all from the documentation, but glad it’s resolved now. The code that ended up working was:

def email_confirmed_(request, email_address, **kwargs):

    user = User.objects.get(email=email_address.email)
    user.is_active = True



I found this page while trying to set up a signal from AllAuth to my CustomUser Model.

After some debugging and continued searching, I found an old GitHub thread on the subject: https://github.com/pennersr/django-allauth/issues/347. His solution worked for me.

I changed the location of my receiver function from app/signals.py to app/models.py

Apparently, by default the ready() function of the AppConfig Class imports the models.py file, but a signals.py file needs to be manually added to your apps.py file:

from django.apps import AppConfig

class NameOfAppConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'NameOfApp'

    def ready(self):
        import NameOfApp.signals

Anyway, it’s easy to miss this in the documentation. I’d guess in future Django releases they will include a signals.py file as a default file and incorporate it automatically.

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