if you want to populate dropdown list from database, I’ll recommend you to pass all the values in single object from views.py to your template. You can do it this way:
1] fetch all the values from database:
objectlist = ModelName.objects.all()
if you want sorted list in dropdown list, Do this:
objectlist = ModelName.objects.all().order_by('fieldname')
if you want distinctlist, do this:
objectlist = ModelName.objects.distinct('fieldname')
2] Pass this render this ‘objectlist’ with template
return render(request, 'template.html', {'objectlist': objectlist})
3] In template use a select tag , and in user for loop to iterate over the objectlist.
{% for element in objectlist %}
<option value={{ element.id }}>{{ element.name }}
value in option tag depends on what you need to process in your API
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view.py :-
This is my view.py file. And create below code.
def add_customer(request):
objectlist = Vehicle.objects.values('brand_name').distinct().order_by('brand_name')
if request.method == 'POST':
form = CustomerForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
return redirect('/show-customers')
form = CustomerForm()
return render(request, 'add-customer.html', {'form':form, 'objectlist':objectlist})
<select name="prefer_car_model" id="id_prefer_car_model" required>
<option value="0" selected disabled> Select Car model </option>
{% for obj in objectlist %}
<option value="{{ obj.brand_name }}">{{ obj.brand_name }} </option>
{% endfor %}
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