[Solved]-Django proxy User model example


You might as well use a completely custom user that inherits from AbstractUser. That has exactly the same functionality as what you’re trying here.


Setting AUTH_USER_MODEL to a custom class, and using a proxy model are two different approaches to customizing Django’s User model behaviour. You’re seeing that error because you’re mixing them together, which doesn’t make sense.

Approach 1:

If you set AUTH_USER_MODEL='myapp.CustomUser' then you shouldn’t proxy anything. Define your custom user model like so:

from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser

class CustomUser(AbstractUser):

Approach 2:

Proxy the Django user model as you have above. Don’t set AUTH_USER_MODEL. In your code, make sure you’re always importing and using your CustomUser class.

Between the two approaches, #2 is preferred if you’re starting a new project because it gives you the most control. However, if you already have a running project migrating to a different model is a little tricky and so approach #1 with a proxy might be the best you can do.

See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/topics/auth/customizing/#extending-the-existing-user-model for more details.

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