[Solved]-Django-rest-framework : list parameters in URL



To show how I did this thanks to the document links above.
Note: I used pipes as my url delimiter and not commas -> β€˜|’.

in my urls.py

url(r'^$', SomethingAPIView.as_view(), name='something'),

in my views.py

class SomethingAPIView(ListAPIView):
  # whatever serializer class

  def get_queryset(self):
    query_params = self.request.query_params
    somethings = query_params.get('something', None)
    subthings = query_params.get('subthing', None)
    years = query_params.get('year', None)

    # create an empty list for parameters to be filters by 
    somethingParams = []
    subthingsParams = []
    yearParams = []

    # create the list based on the query parameters
    if somethings is not None:
      for something in somethings.split('|'):
    if subthings is not None:
      for subthing in subthings.split('|'):
    if years is not None:
      for year in years.split('|'):

    if somethings and subthings and years is not None:
      queryset_list = Model.objects.all()
      queryset_list = queryset_list.filter(something_id__in=countryParams)
      queryset_list = queryset_list.filter(subthing_id__in=subthingsParams)
      queryset_list = queryset_list.filter(year__in=yearParams)
      return queryset_list

I do need to check for an empty result if they are not valid. But here is starting point for people looking to pass in multiple values in query parameters.

A valid url here would be /?something=1|2|3&subthing=4|5|6&year=2015|2016.



Checkout this doc http://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/filtering/

Query params are normally not validated by url regex


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