[Solved]-How do I use error_messages on models in Django


You’re right, those docs are not very useful. It’s a recent addition after all!

My guess is that the normal usage of error_messages is for ModelForms, so I’d look here for a list of acceptable error keys per field: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/forms/fields/#error-messages

But, if you want to be really safe and not assume anything…

The most reliable way for now is going to be looking at the source at django/db/models/fields/__init__.py where you’ll see each of the default_error_messages that can be specified and the actual calls to self.error_messages['invalid']

# Field (base class)

default_error_messages = {
    'invalid_choice': _(u'Value %r is not a valid choice.'),
    'null': _(u'This field cannot be null.'),
    'blank': _(u'This field cannot be blank.'),

# AutoField  
    default_error_messages = {
        'invalid': _(u'This value must be an integer.'),

Here’s the doc on model validation:


Just tested this in a shell session and it appears to be working. Whats up?

I just defined a simple model:

class SubscriptionGroup(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255, error_messages={'blank': 'INVALID!!11', 'null': 'NULL11!'})

# shell
>>> s = SubscriptionGroup()
>>> s.full_clean()
ValidationError: {'name': [u'INVALID!!11']}


(Bit late to this one, but I have been through the same issues myself, so using this as a note_to_self as much as anything.)

You can specify error_messages on both models and modelforms. The keys you should / can use are defined here for the form fields. The issue seems to be (to me) the inter-relationship between forms and the related model, and which error message appears, and when. The key to this is understanding that forms and models are actually very loosely-coupled, and that there really is no magic happening.

If you have a model field called ‘quote’, with a max_length of 140, and a modelform associated with this model, the error messages will work thus:

  • If you don’t explicitly add a max_length attribute to the modelform, and then validate the form (calling is_valid() or errors), the error message that comes back will be from the model.
  • If you add a set of error_messages (‘required’,’max_length’) to the model, these will appear in the errors collection.
  • If you add a set of error_messages to the modelform, they will not appear, as it is the model that is failing validation, not the form.
  • If you then add a max_length attribute to the modelform, you will see the modelform errors surfacing (and overriding the model error_messages.)

So – fairly simple in summary – the error messages map to the object that is being validated – which can be either the model or the modelform.


I tried. It will not work if you defined it in models.
You must define error_messages in your forms like this

name = forms.CharField(error_messages={'required': 'this field is required'})

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