You have to have the development version of Django to use the naturaltime filter
{% load humanize %}
{{ video.pub_date|naturaltime }}
Humanize isn’t a template tag, it’s a library of template filters which means when you load it you have access to various other filters included in the module.
Alternatively you can use the timesince filter withouth having to load any other template tag libraries
{{ video.pub_date|timesince }}
{{ video.pub_date|timesince }} ago
From the docs at timesince
Formats a date as the time since that
date (e.g., “4 days, 6 hours”).Takes an optional argument that is a
variable containing the date to use as
the comparison point (without the
argument, the comparison point is
now). For example, if blog_date is a
date instance representing midnight on
1 June 2006, and comment_date is a
date instance for 08:00 on 1 June
2006, then {{
blog_date|timesince:comment_date }}
would return “8 hours”.Comparing offset-naive and
offset-aware datetimes will return an
empty string.Minutes is the smallest unit used, and
“0 minutes” will be returned for any
date that is in the future relative to
the comparison point.
To activate what filter. adds ‘django.contrib.humanize’ to your INSTALLED_APPS setting,
Once you’ve done that,
use {% load humanize %}
in a templates, and you’ll have access to the follow filters,
{{comment.timestamp | naturaltime }}