[Fixed]-How to get object from PK inside Django template?


From the docs on The Django Template Language:

Accessing method calls:

Because Django intentionally limits the amount of logic processing available in the template language, it is not possible to pass arguments to method calls accessed from within templates. Data should be calculated in views, then passed to templates for display.

So you see, you should be calculating this in your views.py:

def my_view(request, A_pk):
    a = A.objects.get(pk=A_pk)    
    return render_to_response('myapp/mytemplate.html', {'a': a})

And in your template:

{{ a.name }}
{{ a.some_field }}
{{ a.some_other_field }}


You can add your own tag if you want to. Like this:

from django import template
register = template.Library()

def get_obj(pk, attr):
    obj = getattr(A.objects.get(pk=int(pk)), attr)
    return obj

Then load tag in your template

{% load get_obj from your_module %}

and use it

{% get_obj "A_pk" "name" %}


You can’t do that in Django. From the docs:

Because Django intentionally limits the amount of logic processing available in the template language, it is not possible to pass arguments to method calls accessed from within templates. Data should be calculated in views, then passed to templates for display.


It’s unclear exactly what you’re trying to accomplish but you should figure out how you can achieve your desired outcome in the view and send the variable or object to the template.


  1. create folder named ‘templatetags’ inside the module.

  2. create ‘anyname.py’ inside the templatetags


from django import template
from Clients.models import Client
register = template.Library()
def get_client_name(pk, attr):
    obj = getattr(Client.objects.get(id=pk),attr)
    return obj

now in the template add

{% load get_client_name from anyname %}
{{project.Client_id|get_client_name:'Name_of_client' }}

also you can check
django documentation on custom tags

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