[Fixed]-How to install gnu gettext (>0.15) on windows? So I can produce .po/.mo files in Django


The easiest way is to download the precompiled binary installer. Download the “static” flavor of your Operating System (32bit or 64bit) and simple run the installer.

Update the system PATH:

Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables

In the System variables list, click Path, click Edit and then New.
Add C:\Program Files\gettext-iconv\bin value.

To check if it’s working, go to cmd, navigate to your project folder and type

"manage makemessages -l de".

You may have to configure the path to store translations. Create a dir named “locale” in your project dir and point to it at settings.py

Also make sure to set the local path in settings.py file:

    BASE_DIR + 'locale/', )


Django removed this explanation from the recent docs and it took me some time to found it so i pasted it here before this old documentation goes offline:

Source: Django Docs 1.7

Download the following zip files from the GNOME servers

  • gettext-runtime-X.zip
  • gettext-tools-X.zip

X is the version number (It needs to be 0.15 or higher)

Extract the contents of the bin\ directories in both files to the same folder on your system (i.e. C:\Program Files\gettext-utils)

Update the system PATH:

Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables

In the System variables list, click Path, click Edit and then New.
Add C:\Program Files\gettext-utils\bin value.

You may also use gettext binaries you have obtained elsewhere, so long as the xgettext –version command works properly. Do not attempt to use Django translation utilities with a gettext package if the command xgettext –version entered at a Windows command prompt causes a popup window saying “xgettext.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows”.

After doing this I tested and ./manage.py makemessages -l pt works


I also had the same problem. After that I downloaded and installed this and everything worked.https://mlocati.github.io/articles/gettext-iconv-windows.html.


Let me save you many hours that I had to spend in order to solve this.

One of the possibilities is that after you have successfully done all the above and done

pip install python-gettext

you may have improperly configured your IDE or venv. In order to bypass this, go to the command prompt, navigate to your root folder and run py manage.py makemessages from there. It will work.


After extracting the relevant files and adding their location to the path, I still had the same problem. But then I ran the django-admin makemessages -l sr-Latn command in the command prompt instead of powershell and it worked. More preciselly, I first got notification that libstdc++-6.dll is missing, and after installing it in the relevant directory as explained here https://www.dll-files.com/support/#200924305 , it worked.


Thank you, for sharing your experience.
The best answer is https://stackoverflow.com/a/45574890/3786145.
Just after many efforts, it is good to mention that:
if you want to use this tool in Pycharm IDE such that works in a different environment(wich python path and path variable are changed (eg: OSGeo)), it is necessary to make a batch file and add these two directories to the changed path:

path %PATH%;C:\Program Files\gettext-iconv\bin
path %path%;C:\Program Files\gettext-iconv\lib\gettext
SET PYCHARM="D:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2020.2.2\bin\pycharm64.exe"
start "PyCharm aware of get text" /B %PYCHARM% %*

After running Pycharm using this batch file, go to tools/Run manage.py Task. In the appeared window write your command like this:
makemessages -l ‘fa_IR’
for more information refer to:
[1] https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/creating-message-files.html
[2] https://silverspringenergy.com/using-pycharm-as-an-ide-for-qgis-3-plugin-development-2/

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