[Fixed]-How to pass boolean keyword argument along with the use of "Include" template tag


Update: This answer applies to old versions of Django. See this answer below for Django >=1.5

Django template would treat the True as a variable and try to find it in context.
You could either use non-empty string to represent the true value or assign the true value to the True in context, for example through TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS:

def common_vars(request):
    return {
        'True': True,
        'False': False,
        'newline': '\n',


For Django <= 1.4.x

As said before, Django tries to find a variable named “True”.
The simplest way to handle this is to use an integer value, which will not be evaluated.

You could write in the includer template

{% include "example.html" with show_last_name=1 %}

and in the included template

{% if show_last_name %}
{% endif %}

For Django >= 1.5

You can use True and False in templates, so this is no longer a issue



In django 1.5 you can use True in django templates as per their release notes.

And if you are working on earlier versions you would have to go for what @okm suggested!

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