[Solved]-How to send django objects to celery tasks?


Django objects can’t be sent in celery tasks, you can serialize with django serializers (from django.core import serializers) by providing fields needed in template and the lookup will work like a django object in template

NOTE: with serializer you will need to dump and load the data

or just convert your queryset to a list like the following:

    instance = User.objects.filter(pk=user.pk).values('first_name','last_name'),
    all_courses= list(Course.objects.values('title','other_field'))

All you need is to provide fields that you really need in template with values('')

def send_daemon_email(instance,all_courses):
    ctx = {
        'instance': instance,
        'all_courses': all_courses,
    message = get_template("emails/ads.html").render(ctx)

In templates {% for course in all_courses %}{{course}}{% endfor %} will display all the courses, and {{ instance.first_name }} the user


Well typically tools like celery, use a format to pass messages. Here JSON is used, and not every Python object can, by default, be turned into a JSON object.

We can however for example pass the primary keys, and then turn these in objects again at the receiver side. So for example:

    all_courses=list(Course.objects.all().values_list('pk', flat=True))

and then at the side of the receiver, we can fetch the objects with:

def send_daemon_email(instance,all_courses):
    ctx = {
        'instance': User.objects.get(pk=instance),
        'all_courses': Course.objects.filter(pk__in=all_courses)
    message = get_template("emails/ads.html").render(ctx)

Of course we do not per se need to pass primary keys: any kind of object that can be JSON serialized (or by manually serializing) can be used. Although I would not make it too complicated, usually simple things work better than more complex (which is one of the credos of Python).

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