What glenfant said is easy, but this is even easier.
var app = new Vue({
delimiters: ['{', '}'],
el: '#app',
data: { message: 'Hello Vue!' },
That’s all: you configure Vue with the tag it should use to work. 🙂 I use just one brace – {…}
– but you can use doubled square brackets, too: [[
and ]]
Use the verbatim
template tag. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/ref/templates/builtins/#verbatim
<div id="app">{% verbatim %}{{ message }}{% endverbatim %}</div>
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In your base template, you can add this line:
<script>Vue.config.delimiters = ['${', '}'];</script>
Then you will able to use %{...}
for Vue, {{...}}
for django.
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