[Fixed]-How to test django caching?


We do a lot of component caching and not all of them are updated at the same time. So we set host and timestamp values in a universally included context processor. At the top of each template fragment we stick in:

<!-- component_name {{host}} {{timestamp}} -->

The component_name just makes it easy to do a View Source and search for that string.

All of our views that are object-detail pages define a context variable “page_object” and we have this at the top of the base.html template master:

<!-- {{page_object.class_id}} @ {{timestamp}} -->

class_id() is a method from a super class used by all of our primary content classes. It is just:

def class_id(self):
    "%s.%s.%s" % (self.__class__._meta.app_label,
                    self.__class__.__name__, self.id)

If you load a page and any of the timestamps are more than few seconds old, it’s a pretty good bet that the component was cached.


Peter Rowells suggestion works well, but you don’t need a custom template context processor
for timestamps. You can simply use the template tag:

 <!-- {% now "jS F Y H:i" %} --> 


Mock the view, hit the page, and see if the mock was called. if it was not, the cache was used instead.


The reason you use caches is to improve performance. Test the performance by running a load test against your server. If the server’s performance matches your needs, then you are all set!

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