[Fixed]-How to upload and read csv file in django using csv.DictReader?


You have two problems:

  • You are passing a string to the constructor of DictReader. You must pass an iterable object that gives the individual lines in the input (a string is iterable, but will give each character one at a time). Luckily, an UploadedFile object (like those in the FILES dictionary) are already file-like objects that support iteration, so just do this:

    data = csv.DictReader(request.FILES['file'])
  • Your input data only has one line. DictReader will use that line for the column “headers”, which will become the key in the resulting dictionaries. You will then have no data left! It looks like you don’t want a DictReader, just a regualar reader:

    data = csv.reader(request.FILES['file'])


This should work if you’re using Python 3.

file = request.FILES['file'] 
decoded_file = file.read().decode('utf-8').splitlines()
reader = csv.DictReader(decoded_file)
for row in reader:
    # Get each cell value based on key-value pair. 
    # Key will always be what lies on the first row.

We can use the list that splitlines() creates. splitlines() is called because csv.DictReader expects “any object which supports the iterator protocol and returns a string each time its next() method is called — file objects and list objects are both suitable“.


in Python 3, to get the correct type (String not bytes) without reading the full file into memory you can use a generator to decode line by line:

def decode_utf8(input_iterator):
    for l in input_iterator:
        yield l.decode('utf-8')

def upload(request):
    reader = csv.DictReader(decode_utf8(request.FILES['file']))
    for row in reader:

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