[Django]-Import csv data into database in Django Admin


After a long search i found an answer: Create a view inside the admin using a standard form


class DataInput(forms.Form):
    file = forms.FileField()
    place = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Place.objects.all())

    def save(self):
        records = csv.reader(self.cleaned_data["file"])
        for line in records:
            input_data = Data()
            input_data.place = self.cleaned_data["place"]
            input_data.time = datetime.strptime(line[1], "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S")
            input_data.data_1 = line[2]
            input_data.data_2 = line[3]
            input_data.data_3 = line[4]

The view:

def import(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = DataInput(request.POST, request.FILES)
        if form.is_valid():
            success = True
            context = {"form": form, "success": success}
            return render_to_response("imported.html", context,
        form = DataInput()        
        context = {"form": form}
        return render_to_response("imported.html", context,

The rest is part of this post:


Take a look at django-admin-import, it does more or less exactly what you want — you can upload a XLS (not a CSV, but that should not matter) and lets you assign columns to model fields. Default values are also supported.


Additionally, it does not take away the possibility to modify individual records by hand because you don’t have to replace the default model form used in the administration.


In the save() method, you don’t have any access to the request object – you can see that it’s not passed in. Normally you would expect to have a NameError there, but I suspect that you’ve got a function elsewhere in the file called request().

At the point of saving, all the relevant data should be in cleaned_data: so you should be able to do

file_csv = self.cleaned_data['file_to_import']

At that point you’ll have another problem, which is when you get to open – you can’t do that, as file_to_import is not a file on the server filesystem, it’s an in-memory file that has been streamed from the client. You should be able to pass file_csv directly to csv.reader.

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