[Solved]-Object Ownership in Django


My approach would be adding a method to the model:

class YourModelWithOwnership(models.model):

    def user_can_manage_me(self, user):
        return user == self.user or user.has_perm('your_app.manage_object')

I’d then call that method whenever a permission check is required, and take some action based on the outcome. So for a view that would be

from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404

def view_func(request, item_id):
    item = get_object_or_404(YourModelWithOwnership, id=item_id) # or whatever is needed to get the object
    if not item.user_can_manage_me(request.user):
        # user not allowed to manage

Later I’d probably realize that that’s still quite some boilerplate code to write in every view that needs that test, so I’d implement an exception that’s thrown when a user can’t manage an object…

class CannotManage(Exception):

…and add another method to the model:

from django.db import models
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404

class YourModelWithOwnership(models.model):

    def get_manageable_object_or_404(cls, user, *args, **kwds):
        item = get_object_or_404(cls, *args, **kwds)
        if not item.user_can_manage_me(user):
            raise CannotManage
        return item

Then, in the view functions, this can be used:

def view_func(request, item_id):
    item = YourModelWithOwnership.get_manageable_object_or_404(request.user, id=item_id)

This will of course raise an exception when the user isn’t the owner and does not have the proper permission. That exception can be handled in the process_exception() method of a custom middleware class so that there’s a single handler for all instances where a user is not allowed to mess with the object.



A while back I wrote up the usual technique for doing this in the admin. You may want to read through that to see how the implementation works.


You can look into RowLevelPermissions branch. It hasn’t been included even in 1.1 beta though, I guess it still needs some development.

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