Postgresql find value in all tables

PostgreSQL Query: Finding a Value in All Tables In PostgreSQL, you can search for a specific value across all tables in a database using the following query: SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema NOT IN (‘information_schema’, ‘pg_catalog’) — Exclude system catalog tables AND data_type IN (‘character’, ‘character varying’, ‘text’) — Search only text-like … Read more

How To Buy Power Bi

How to Buy Power BI Power BI is a business analytics tool developed by Microsoft that provides interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface designed for end users to create their reports and dashboards. To purchase Power BI, you have several options: Power BI Free: This version is available for free and provides … Read more

How To Build Reports In Power Bi

How to Build Reports in Power BI: Power BI is a business analytics tool developed by Microsoft that allows you to visualize and analyze data. Building reports in Power BI involves several steps: Connect your data source: Start by connecting Power BI to your data source. This could be a database, Excel file, or online … Read more

Postgresql docker timezone

PostgreSQL Docker Timezone: When running PostgreSQL in a Docker container, you can configure the timezone in the container to match your desired timezone. By default, the timezone used is UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). However, you might want to set a different timezone based on your application’s requirements or the location of your users. To set … Read more

Postgresql cursor insert example

PostgreSQL Cursor Insert Example In PostgreSQL, cursors are used to retrieve and manipulate rows from a query result. Cursors provide a way to fetch a small number of rows at a time, which can be useful for processing large result sets without consuming excessive memory. Creating a Cursor A cursor is created using the DECLARE … Read more

How To Build Power Bi Dashboard From Excel

How to Build Power BI Dashboard from Excel Building a Power BI dashboard from Excel is a straightforward process that involves a few simple steps. Here’s a detailed explanation with examples: Prepare your Excel data: Before you begin, make sure your Excel data is organized and structured in a way that is suitable for creating … Read more

Postgresql count slow

When the count command in PostgreSQL is slow, it is usually because the query is performing a full table scan, which means it is examining every row in the table to determine the count. This can be a time-consuming operation, especially for large tables with millions of rows. There are a few ways to improve … Read more

Postgresql array last element

Answer: In PostgreSQL, you can use the array_upper and unnest functions to get the last element of an array. Here is an example: SELECT unnest(your_array_column) AS last_element FROM your_table WHERE array_upper(your_array_column, 1) IS NOT NULL ORDER BY array_upper(your_array_column, 1) DESC LIMIT 1; your_array_column: The name of the column that contains the array. your_table: The name … Read more

How To Build Power Bi

Building Power BI: Detailed Explanation with Examples Power BI is a powerful business intelligence tool offered by Microsoft. It allows users to analyze and visualize data from various sources in an interactive and intuitive manner. Building Power BI reports involves several steps, which we will discuss in detail below. Step 1: Connect to Data Sources … Read more