Seems that Google Chrome doesn’t display the PDF titles at all.
I tested the link in your comment (biblioteca.org.ar) and it displays in Firefox as ” – 211756.pdf”, seems there’s an empty title and Firefox then just displays the filename instead of the full URL path.
I reproduced the same behaviour using this piece of code:
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
c = canvas.Canvas("hello.pdf")
c.setTitle("hello stackoverflow")
c.drawString(100, 750, "Welcome to Reportlab!")
Opening it in Firefox yields the needed result:
I found out about setTitle
in ReportLab’s User Guide. It has it listed on page 16. 🙂
I was also looking for this and I found this in the source code.
@ line – 467
We can set the document’s title by
document.title = 'Sample Title'
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I realise this is an old question but dropping in an answer for anyone using SimpleDocTemplate
. The title
property can be set in constructor of SimpleDocTemplate
as a kwarg. e.g.
doc = SimpleDocTemplate(pdf_bytes, title="my_pdf_title")
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If you are using trml2pdf, you will need to add the “title” attribute in the template tag, ie., <template title=”Invoices” …
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In addition to what others have said, you can use
which shows up fine in chrome.
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