[Fixed]-Refresh <div> element generated by a django template


You could use an async request to fill the div element.
The async request is answered by Django using the template engine.

In this case, you would have to outsource the template code of the div element into a separate template file.


For refreshing the view asynchronously, use JQuery for example:

  url: '{% url myview %}',
  success: function(data) {

Async View:

def myview(request):
    object = ...
    return render_to_response('my_template.html', { 'object': object })


{% for other_object in object.some_m2m_field.all %}
    <a href="www.example.com">{{ other_object.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}


You can have a look at eg. this Ajax with Django tutorial. Anyways as mentioned above you can always use django’s template engine, no matter if the view is called in a normal or an ajax request! If you have to use ajax with django more frequently it makes sense to have a look at something like dajax, which is an ajax library for django (have a look at the tutorials there).


What i did was to put all the code into a set interval function, in this way I will render a location every 5 seconds

The base
setInterval(() => {
    //code to execute
            }, 5000);

Applying to my div
setInterval(() => {
                    url: window.location.pathname,
                    async: false,
                    type: 'POST',
                    data: {
                        'action': 'graph_ubicacion',
                        'id': id
                    dataType: 'json',
                }).done(function (data) {
                    //console.log("DEBUG 83 === ", data)
                    if (!data.hasOwnProperty('error')) {
                        //Proceso cuando se elije una ubicacion (después de tener una respuesta
                        dataCharArray = [
                            ['Nombre', 'X', 'Y', 'Tipo'],
                        if (data.hasOwnProperty('todas')) {
                            data['todas'].forEach(function (elemento) {
                                dataCharArray[dataCharArray.length] = elemento;
                                //console.log("DEBUG 91 === ", elemento)
                        if (data.hasOwnProperty('target')) {
                            data['target'].forEach(function (elemento) {
                                dataCharArray[dataCharArray.length] = elemento;
                                    console.log("DEBUG 102 === ", elemento, "\n")
                                    console.log("DEBUG 102 === ", elemento[0], "\n")
                                    console.log("DEBUG 102 === ", elemento[1], "\n")
                                    console.log("DEBUG 102 === ", elemento[2], "\n")
                                    console.log("DEBUG 102 === ", elemento[3], "\n")

                        if(data['todas'].length > 0 && data['target'].length > 0){
                            google.charts.load('current', {
                                    'packages': ['corechart']

                            if(data['todas'].length === 0 && data['target'].length === 0){
                                //MensajeAlerta("No hay Datos para mostrar");
                                console.log("No hay datos para mostrar")
                                if(data['todas'].length === 0){
                                    MensajeAlerta("No hay Balizas para mostrar");
                                if(data['target'].length === 0){
                                    MensajeAlerta("No hay Historial de datos de Pulseras para mostrar.");
                        return false;
                    } else {
                }).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                    MensajeError(textStatus + ': ' + errorThrown);
                }).always(function (data) {


            }, 5000);

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