[Fixed]-Where do I register an rq-scheduler job in a Django app?


I created a custom management command which modifies and replaces the rqscheduler command included in django_rq. An example is provided here: https://github.com/rq/rq-scheduler/issues/51#issuecomment-362352497



The best place I’ve found to run it is from your AppConfig in apps.py.

def ready(self):
    scheduler = django_rq.get_scheduler('default')

    # Delete any existing jobs in the scheduler when the app starts up
    for job in scheduler.get_jobs():

    # Have 'mytask' run every 5 minutes
    scheduler.schedule(datetime.utcnow(), 'mytask', interval=60*5)


I’ve added scheduling to a __init__ module in one of my project application (in terms of Django), but wrapped with small function which prevents queueing jobs twice or more. Scheduling strategy may be dependent of your specific needs (i.e. you may need additional checking for a job arguments).

Code that works for me and fit my needs:

import django_rq
from collections import defaultdict
import tasks

scheduler = django_rq.get_scheduler('default')

jobs = scheduler.get_jobs()
functions = defaultdict(lambda: list())

map(lambda x: functions[x.func].append(x.meta.get('interval')), jobs)

now = datetime.datetime.now()

def schedule_once(func, interval):
    Schedule job once or reschedule when interval changes
    if not func in functions or not interval in functions[func]\
            or len(functions[func])>1:

        # clear all scheduled jobs for this function
        map(scheduler.cancel, filter(lambda x: x.func==func, jobs))

        # schedule with new interval
        scheduler.schedule(now+datetime.timedelta(seconds=interval), func,

schedule_once(tasks.some_task_a, interval=60*5)
schedule_once(tasks.some_task_b, interval=120)

Also I’ve wrapped this snippet to avoid imports at the package level:

def init_scheduler():
    # paste here initialization code



you should use django command to run schedule job https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/howto/custom-management-commands/

like this

enter image description here

class Command(BaseCommand):

  def handle(self, *args, **options):
    scheduler = django_rq.get_scheduler('crontab_job')
    for job in scheduler.get_jobs():
    # 定时任务例子1
        "*/3 * * * *",  # 每周一零点零时零分执行 0 0 * * 0    测试可以使用 */3 * * * * 每3分钟执行一次
        func=gong_an_job,  # Function to be queued
        kwargs={'msg': '我是王龙飞1,我喜欢修仙', 'number': 1},  # Keyword arguments passed into function when executed
        repeat=None,  # Repeat this number of times (None means repeat forever)
        queue_name='crontab_job',  # In which queue the job should be put in
        use_local_timezone=False  # Interpret hours in the local timezone
    # 定时任务例子2
        "*/5 * * * *",  # 每周一零点零时零分执行 0 0 * * 0    测试可以使用 */3 * * * * 每3分钟执行一次
        func=gong_an_job,  # Function to be queued
        kwargs={'msg': '我是王龙飞222222,我喜欢修仙', 'number': 22222},  # Keyword arguments passed into function when executed
        repeat=None,  # Repeat this number of times (None means repeat forever)
        queue_name='crontab_job',  # In which queue the job should be put in
        use_local_timezone=False  # Interpret hours in the local timezone

#create crontab job

python manage.py rq_crontab_job

#check crontab job and put crontab job to queue

python manage.py rqscheduler --queue crontab_job

#run crontab job

python manage.py rqworker crontab_job

I think the first answer is greate,but in multi-Progress enviroment may have some probelm,you should only run once to create crontab job !

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