I’d definitely not use node.js for this. You can handle websockets in Python just fine, with Celery or gevent or whatever.
Just create a thread which registers to Redis and listens for new messages.
When the user connects, put the socket into a weak-value hash indexed by the user’s name; when a message for them arrives, look up the destination username in that hash and send it off. Weak-value because it cleans up after itself when the user disconnects. Simple, really.
I’d also send new messages to the server using the websocket instead of HTTP-PUT.
Take a look at the implementation here:
- You cannot add messages without installing django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware
- Multiple Forms and Formsets in CreateView
- UnicodeEncodeError:'latin-1' codec can't encode characters in position 0-1: ordinal not in range(256)
- Django AttributeError 'tuple' object has no attribute 'regex'
- Tastypie Negation Filter
Sounds like you should use something like RabbitMQ http://www.rabbitmq.com/devtools.html there’s a node.js implementation and more.
Check it out, it should cheer you up 🙂
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I’m also using a wonderful library called django-websocket-redis.
Although it doesn’t use gunicorn, it uses uWSGI, which shouldn’t have too much overhead in migrating to. Just follow the docs, they’re quite comprehensive.
Taking some of your code and implementing it with django-websockets-redis:
## Make a json representation of your model available.
class Comment(models.Model):
comment = models.CharField(max_length=140)
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
post_id = models.ForeignKey(Post)
created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
def as_json(self):
return dict(
Then, in your views, when making the request, save a json representation to the redis facility you’re subscribed to…you can do this anywhere really, either your serializer or view, but i’l leave that up to you.
def UploadComment(request):
data = json.loads(request.body)
## In django-websockets-redis, this portion below is registered in the settings.py file, therefore i am commenting this out.
## redis_server = redis.Redis(host='12.345.678.9', port=6379, db=0, password='mypassword')
newComment = Comment()
newComment.comment = data['comment']
newComment.user_id = data['user_id']
newComment.post_id = data['post_id']
PostOwner = data['post_owner_id'] #id of the blog post owner
# Need to send a notification to PostOwner
## Need to turn this into a string before posting to redis
json_comment = str(newComment.as_json())
## Create a facility based on the PostOwner ID. The PostOwner will always be subscribed to this channel.
RedisPublisher(facility=PostOwner, broadcast=True).publish_message(json_comment)
return HttpResponse('Request Successful')
Now that we’ve got the backend taken care of, on the front end visa vie JavaScript, your user subcribes to the Facility based on his user.id:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var ws4redis = WS4Redis({
uri: '{{ WEBSOCKET_URI }}{{ PostOwner.id }}?subscribe-broadcast&publish-broadcast&echo',
receive_message: receiveMessage,
heartbeat_msg: {{ WS4REDIS_HEARTBEAT }}
// receive a message though the Websocket from the server
function receiveMessage(msg) {
//This is where you would retrieve the JSON string from the Redis server, and subsequently manipulate the DOM with appends, Toastr Notifications, Etc...
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