Laravel Eloquent List

Laravel Eloquent List

Laravel Eloquent provides a convenient way to retrieve data from a database using expressive syntax and methods. It allows you to work with database records as objects, making it easy to retrieve, create, update, and delete data.

To list data using Laravel Eloquent, you can perform various queries based on your requirements. Here are some examples:

Select All Records from a Table

Use the all() method to retrieve all records from a table:

            $users = User::all();

This will return a collection of User objects representing all the records in the “users” table.

Select Specific Columns

You can use the select() method to specify which columns to retrieve:

            $users = User::select('name', 'email')->get();

This will retrieve only the “name” and “email” columns for all users.

Filter Records

You can apply conditions to filter the records retrieved using the where() method:

            $users = User::where('age', '>', 30)->get();

This will retrieve all users with an age greater than 30.

Order Results

To order the results, you can use the orderBy() method:

            $users = User::orderBy('name', 'desc')->get();

This will retrieve all users ordered by the “name” column in descending order.

Limit the Number of Results

If you only need a specific number of results, you can use the limit() method:

            $users = User::limit(10)->get();

This will retrieve only the first 10 users.

Retrieve Single Record

If you want to retrieve a single record based on a condition, you can use the first() method:

            $user = User::where('email', '')->first();

This will retrieve the first user with the specified email address.

Additional Methods

Laravel Eloquent provides many other methods for querying and manipulating data, such as find(), pluck(), count(), sum(), max(), min(), etc. You can refer to the Laravel documentation for a comprehensive list of available methods.

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