Try this:
from django.utils.text import slugify
def return_slug(firstname, lastname):
# get a slug of the firstname and last name.
# it will normalize the string and add dashes for spaces
# i.e. 'HaRrY POTTer' -> 'harry-potter'
u_username = slugify(unicode('%s %s' % (firstname, lastname)))
# split the username by the dashes, capitalize each part and re-combine
# 'harry-potter' -> 'Harry-Potter'
u_username = '-'.join([x.capitalize() for x in u_username.split('-')])
# count the number of users that start with the username
count = User.objects.filter(username__startswith=u_username).count()
if count == 0:
return u_username
return '%s-%d' % (u_username, count)