[Fixed]-"TemplateSyntaxError Invalid block tag: 'trans'" error in Django Templates



{% trans %}Questions{% endtrans %} is not the correct format.

{% load i18n %} should be at the top of your template, or any extended template using translations.

You can use {% trans "Questions." %}

If you’re going to use blocks, they need to be in the format below:

{% blocktrans %}{{ value2translate }}{% endblocktrans %}

More info here.



Probably you should use {% blocktrans %}Questions{% endblocktrans %} and you forget to put {% load i18n %} toward the top of your template.


this is because you have not loaded i18n in this template{% load i18n %} you must add this in each of your template.


You must place at the beginning of your extended template code: {% load i18n %} , so you can use the trans Tags:

{% extends 'home/base.html' %}

{% block title %}INICIO{% endblock %}
{% load i18n %}

  {% block opcionesMenu %}
<!-- =====START====== -->
            <a href="#sTop" class="subNavBtn">{% trans "Inicio"  %}</a>
            <a href="#s1" class="subNavBtn">{% trans "Proyectos" %}</a>
            <a href="#s2" class="subNavBtn">{% trans "DiseΓ±o Web" %}</a>
            <a href="#s3" class="subNavBtn">{% trans "Marketing" %}</a>
            <a href="#s4" class="subNavBtn">{% trans "Conocenos" %}</a>
            <a href="#s5" class="subNavBtn">{% trans "Contacto" %}</a>
<!-- =====END ====== -->
 {% endblock %}
πŸ‘€Zarkys Salas


In addition to other answers, you need to put {% load i18n %} after {% extends %} to use {% trans %} or {% translate %} as shown below:

{% extends "two_column_body.html" %}
{% load i18n %}

{% extends %} is explained in Template inheritance as shown below:

  • If you use {% extends %} in a template, it must be the first template tag in that template. Template inheritance won’t work, otherwise.

So, if you put {% load i18n %} before {% extends %} as shown below:

{% load i18n %}
{% extends "two_column_body.html" %}

Then, the error below occurs:

<ExtendsNode: extends "…"> must be the first tag in the template.

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